In His Praise – May 30, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” God bless America Land that I  love. Stand beside her, And guide her, Through the night  With a light from above. From the mountains,  to the prairies,  to the oceans white with foam. God bless America, My home sweet home. God bless America, My home sweet home. “God bless America.” These are familiar words and are spoken often by politicians, soldiers, and ordinary people. We sing them at ball games, we recite them at school and we may even use them  as a battlecry. But do we really take time to think about their deep meaning?   “God bless America!” Are we praying for God’s divine goodness to be poured out upon our country or are we simply repeating words? There is a big difference.…
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In His Praise — May 23, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” Today was a very special day at East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We celebrated the 100th birthday of our church! There were hugs and laughs as old acquaintances were renewed, stories were shared from the past and new friendships were forged. We thank God for all those that faithfully served in bygone years. Their dedication and desire to follow the Lord  gave us a strong foundation. We are thankful too, that 100 years is not the end of the story. The congregation of East Point looks forward to the future. We know that there is more work to do.  We must continue to serve God by serving our fellowman. We must continue to spread the message that God is good and salvation is for all…
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In His Praise — May 16, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” The good news today is found in 2Peter 3:9 where it says , “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” This verse reminds us of the love and patience our Heavenly Father has for each of us. Although a time will come when this world is gone and we will no longer have a chance to choose salvation, God is allowing as much time for humankind as is possible. Why? Because He loves us and desires that everyone be saved and spend eternity with Him. What a great God!  If you do not know the Lord as your Savior, don’t waste another minute.…
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In His Praise — May 9, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” Today is Mother’s Day — a special day to remember those we call Mom, Grandmom, Auntie, or just friend. These women have a special place in the hearts and lives of their children. They care for, provide for, protect  and nuture those entrusted to them. A good mother is a blessing. A faithful Christian mother is a special blessing. Paul reminded Timothy of this positive influence when he mentioned in 2 Timothy about the faith of  Lois and Eunice, Timothy’s grandmother and mother. God created women to be mothers. In fact the first mother, Eve, was given that name , “because she would become the mother of all living things.” (Genesis 3:20) Jesus even uses an example of motherly love and protection for God’s children…
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In His Praise — May 2, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” Does it seem that there is nothing that is reliable anymore?  Promises are broken,  trusts are lost, what was suppose to be a sure thing turns out to be lies. We live in a world full of insecurities and mistrusts. It can cause us to be skeptical and  to always question the motives of others. It can cause hurt, mistrust and bitterness. If only we could depend on something to be true and lasting! Well, the good news is that there is something that is true, trustworthy and lasts forever. That is the faithfulness of God!  Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Another word…
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In His Praise — April 25, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. This invitation is found in some of the last verses recorded in the Bible, Revelation 22:17.  Isn’t it interesting that God ended His written word with an invitation to anybody that wants to receive the gift of life? God wants everyone, anyone, to have a chance to accept His salvation. Jesus died for the sins of all people, so that we might receive forgiveness. In a world where everything seems to come with a price and deals are usually too good to be true, God is offering the best gift He…
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In His Praise — April 18, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” “We can do nothing to make God love us more, and we can do nothing to make God love us less. It is always there, and it is consistent…”  These profound and true words were penned by Mark A Lacey, a writer for Bible Expositor and Illuminator.  Many in our world have spent their lives with change and insecurity being the norm. They have never felt a love that never changes or goes away or is not based on someone else’s mood or mindset.  But with God it is different. His love never changes, His love never goes away. We can’t earn it, nor can we do anything to increase or decrease it. God loves us despite our sins, nothing is too bad for Him…
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In His Praise — April 11, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” There is good news found in Romans 5:8. Paraphrasing this verse, we hear that when we were still sinners God’s love for us was so great that He sent Jesus to die for our wrongs. The apostle Paul wrote these words to people in Rome thousands of years ago, but thankfully, they apply to people today too. Throughout history mankind has sinned and rebelled against God; refusing to worship and obey Him as we should and going astray. But God lovingly provided a way for reconciliation. That way is through Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection we can have peace with God. His blood covers all our sins and grants salvation. We can now have a new life of hope and can…
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In His Praise — April 4, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” Christians all over the world are celebrating Easter today. We remember that Jesus rose  from death to life on this day and in doing so conquered death and the grave for all of us. Because of the love of Jesus and His sacrificial death we are given the free gift of salvation.  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that  whoever  believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  What wonderful gifts to celebrate — salvation and life eternal in heaven. No words could ever express the gratitude we should feel toward our Lord for His great love and mercy for us.  If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, today would…
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In His Praise — March 21, 2021

Welcome to “In His Praise!” “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 As spring is beginning and we once again witness the miracles of the season, we too can join the psalmist in praising our Lord and Savior. Flowers and trees are budding, baby animals are being born, the weather is warming  and we just feel more alive after the cold winter.  We praise Him not only for the beauty of nature, but for so much more — life, family, friends, provisions, and especially a relationship with Jesus.  Every breath we take, every heartbeat that we have is a gift  and gives us more reasons to worship and praise our Heavenly Father. Each new day brings not only new…
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