In His Praise — March 22, 2020

In His Praise
A lot has happened since our last post of “In His Praise” . It seems that the Coronavirus has taken over all the news and much of our lives. Our daily routines have been disrupted and changed. We’re learning to adjust and spend our time in different ways. It can be unsettling and downright scary. But, although the world around us is changing, we have One that is constant, that has never changed and will never change. That is Jesus Christ. He is our hope, our rock, our shelter in the storm. Thousands of years ago Psalm 23 was penned to describe the loving care the Father has for His children. These words are just as true today as they were back then. God loves us and cares for our…
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In His Praise — March 15, 2020

In His Praise
Do you remember the story of how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea? You can read about it in Exodus 14. If you’re not familiar with this miracle, let me give you a paraphrased version. The Israelites, God’s people, were leaving behind 400 years of slavery in Eygpt. They were being lead by Moses to a new home that God had promised them. They had traveled a few days when back in Eygpt, Pharaoh decided he really didn’t want to release this large workforce from his land. So he called his vast army together and commanded them  to recapture these Israelites. As the Eygptian army approached, God’s people found themselves trapped between the oncoming army and the Red Sea. It appeared that they were doomed, the soldiers were well trained…
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In His Praise — March 8, 2020

In His Praise
Most people that I know want to live a good life. Most people want to have a peaceful life, void of strife and trouble. Most people want to feel joy and contentment in their life. But in today’s world sometimes these seem like impossible goals. But, there is good news! Today at East Point the choir sang the well-known hymn, “Near to the Heart of God.” This song reminds us that when we draw near to God we can have quiet rest, we can have safe protection from the world of sin. We can have  comfort as we commune with Jesus and receive His peace and joy. What a blessing! So, how do we get to this place that is near to the heart of God? Well the first step…
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In His Praise — March 1, 2020

In His Praise
The good news today is simple. It is that God loves us! He loves you  and me so much that  He is willing to forgive our sins, when we ask Him with a repentant heart. Then, after He has wiped away our wrongdoings, He forgets about them! We can trust that this is true because He says so in Isaiah 43:25, Jeremiah 31:34 and again in Hebrew 8:12 and 10:16-17. We sometimes want to hang on to our past and relive the moments when we have gone astray. But when we do that we give the devil an opening to torment us. Satan can and will use our past mistakes and failures to make us doubt our salvation, to move us away from a loving Father, to take away our…
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