In His Praise — October 17, 2021

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 We hear the term “stand your ground” used from time to time today. Basically standing your ground means not backing down in the face of controversy. In today’s scripture we read those same words used to encourage and instruct God’s people when dealing with evil that comes into our lives. The verses, just after this one (Ephesians 6:14-18), describe how Christians should prepare for the battles that will be encountered.  We must protect ourselves by being wrapped in God’s truth and righteousness. We must be always ready to let His peace shine through our lives and…
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In His Praise — October 10, 2021

Now in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 And God said,  “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons…” Genesis 1:14 Fall is a beautiful time of the year. Leaves are changing colors, temperatures are beginning to cool off, fall mornings are nice and crisp. Children and adults alike enjoy seeing pumpkins, gourds and other seasonal decoration start to appear.  Our minds are turned to hayrides, football games, bonfires and other fall activities. God surely knew best when He gave us different seasons to enjoy.  During all the seasons of our lives we should praise God for His goodness and His perfect timing. What a blessing to…
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In His Praise — October3, 2021

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b This scripture is found in a section in the NIV Bible subtitled The Prayer of Faith.  In the verses just before this one, some questions are asked, “Is any one in trouble? Is any one happy? Is anyone sick?  The remedy for all of these is to pray. When we converse with God and bring our concerns and joys to Him (and that is what prayer is), we are opening up to all the power, might and love that can be imagined. God has all the answers. He has all the healing, all the hope and is all that we need.  He deserves all of our praise.  He promises in verse 16 that when we pray believing and…
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In His Praise — September 26, 2021

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 This is familiar scripture for many, but it bears repeating until everyone in the world has heard it and understands that it was meant for all people. This is a personal and individualized promise from God to you. Try repeating it and insert your name in place of world! It makes it very personal and that is the good news.  It doesn’t matter where you have been or what you have done, no sin is too big or too bad for God to forgive. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our wicked place and bear all our wrongs so that…
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In His Praise — September 19, 2021

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 There is a saying that is seen quite often lately that goes something like this: “Even though they carry it well, doesn’t mean the load is not heavy.” There is a lot of truth to this statement.  There are those among us that suffer from things we may not see or ever know about. A childhood trauma, an illness that shows very little outward symptoms or a phobia are just a few of the things that can interrupt a person’s life and cause pain and suffering, both physically and emotionally. There are people, that although they are suffering everyday, don’t complain. They get up each morning and put one foot in front of the other and…
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In His Praise — September 12, 2021

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, …” Proverbs 17:6 If you are blessed to be a grandparent, congratulations, and Happy Grandparent’s Day! Being a grandparent is an awesome and delightful experience. It is a privilege that some will never enjoy. It is life changing; and it is a blessing that is indescribable! Most grandparents that I know will do almost anything, within reason, for their precious little ones.  It doesn’t stop when these little ones grow up either. Grandparents may purchase that first car for them, support them in all kinds of activities, or help them open their first bank account.  Grandparents seem to always understand and have an ear to listen. Grandparents proudly tell about their grandchildren’s accomplishments throughout life. Their successes in school and work, their…
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In His Praise — September 5, 2021

Good news!! God keeps His promises!! His word is true, trustworthy and unchangeable! You can depend on it to be right all the time.  Speaking of Abraham’s faith Paul says this, “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God,  but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.” Romans4:20-21.  You see God had promised Abraham that he would be the father of many descendants. This might not seem like a big thing to some, but it was a very big thing for Abraham and his wife Sarah. God had made this promise to Abraham while he and Sarah were still young and in the childbearing years, but as time went on,…
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In His Praise — August 29, 2021

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 What makes you happy? What brings joy to your life? There are many different answers to these questions. Some may say a satisfying and successful career, others my name things like family, friends, good health or a comfortable living. All of these answers are true and there is no reason one would not strive to attain them all. But even if a person does not possess any of the above mentioned  blessings, he or she can still be happy. True happiness comes from knowing the Lord. Walking daily with the Him, communing through prayer and reading and applying His word to our lives brings  joy, peace and contentment.  Joy is part of the fruit of the Spirit…
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In His Praise — August 22, 2021

Words of peace, encouragement and assurance are the good news from East Point C.P. Church today.  There are many disturbing and even frightening things happening in the world  but God gives His children hope and help to deal with this life.  Proverbs 18:10 reminds us that we can call on the name of the Lord and find safety; “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of Psalms all talk about God’s care and protection.   Zephaniah 3:17 assures us of God’s peace when it says “he will quiet you with His love.”  Assurance that God will help us fight when we must is found in Ephesians 6:10-18. Paul says to “put on the full armor of…
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In His Praise — August 15, 2021

Have you noticed that everybody is the world is different? Of course you have, it is a silly question. There are male and female, young and old, short and tall, thin and not so thin. There are also people of different races and ethnic backgrounds, different cultures and languages. We have different personalities, talents and abilities; and may have different opinions and that’s ok. God has made each person uniquely different and special. Psalm 139:14 praises Him for this very special blessing when it reads, “… I am fearfully and wonderfully made”.  Even though we are each created differently, it is wonderful to know that God loves us all the same and sent Jesus to be the Savior for all people. We are reminded of this in  John 3:16, 1…
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