In His Praise — April 19, 2020

Change is something we all have been learning a lot about over the last few months. Change can be hard sometimes, but change can also be a means for growth. For example, because of the changes that have taken place in our community since Covid-19 entered our lives, East Point CP Church has had to rethink the way we worship together. Our goal at East Point, as any church should be, has always been to spread God’s gospel to others. We want to reach as many people as possible with the good news of Christ’s salvation.  We were doing things to reach these goals, but because of the “stay at home” order, God has lead Rev. Nickles and our church to another avenue for spreading the gospel— social media. Rev.…
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In His Praise — April 12, 2020

In His Praise! Good News from East Point C.P. Church April 12,  2020 Welcome to “In His Praise” He is risen!  He is risen indeed! What wonderful news Mary shared with the disciples that first Easter morning! We too can still rejoice in the knowledge that we have a Savior that lives; and He walks with us everyday. He loves us and provides salvation that restores our lives when we are dead in sins.  What a wonderful Savior! What a wonderful Easter message — Christ died for our sins, but He conquered death and rose to life again. Jesus died and rose to save the world then and He saves all that will come to Him today.  We too can share this message with others — Jesus saves, Jesus saves!!
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