Welcome to “In His Praise!”
The Bible is full of promises from God and all of them are good news to hear and apply to our lives. God’s words are real. He always has the right answers for us and we can trust that He will always do what He says.
Today Rev. Nickles shared Jeremiah 32:40, where God, speaking about His children said, “I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them,” . WOW!! What a promise! Let that soak in for a minute. If you are a child of God, He has promised that He will never stop doing good for you!
Isn’t that wonderful news? Isn’t that something for which to praise God? Doesn’t that just make you want to shout!?
God is so good, and He always will be. He never changes His mind or goes back on His word. He loves us so much. Let’s praise Him by sharing this love with others.