“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
Mark 1:17
The first disciples that Jesus called were fishermen. This verse from Mark, as well as Matthew 4:19, record the encounter. It is interesting that Jesus did not ask the two brothers if they wanted to be fishers of men or if they would consider leaving their fishing boat to follow Him. Jesus simply gave an invitation. Simon and Andrew did not hesitate, they made a decision to follow Jesus and show others about Him. The scriptures tell us that they left their nets immediately and followed him. (Mark 1:18) They were ready and willing to become whatever Jesus wanted them to be.
Jesus gives each of us an invitation to accept His salvation and become His follower. When we accept this invitation we, like the disciples, are called to be His witnesses and share the good news of His salvation with others. In Matthew 5:14 Jesus says that we are the “light of the world.” The world can be a very dark place, but Jesus offers a message of hope, light and life.
There are many that are lost in the world. As children of God, sharing the gospel with others is our responsibility and privilege. As Christians we, like disciples, should be eager to become fishers of men, women and children wherever we go; always willing to let our light shine.