“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”
Deuteronomy 7:9
People are not always dependable. Sometimes we say we’ll do something, even make a promise to do it; but then things happen. Circumstances change, we forget, we don’t have time and so our words are forgotten and fall by the wayside.
Each of us have probably dealt with results of a someone not following through with a promise or commitment. We may have even been the person that didn’t follow through. Whatever the situation, it just shows that we as human beings cannot always be relied upon to do all that we say we will.
But the good news is this:
We have a God that never changes His mind, never forgets, and never runs out of time for us. We are reassured of this with these words from Deuteronomy.
When God said that He loved the world so much that He gave Jesus to atone for all sin and that we only have believe on Him to receive eternal life (paraphrased 3:16) He meant it for all people. When He said we only need to confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead to be saved (paraphrased Romans 10:9) He meant it for all people. When Jesus offered up a prayer for believers in John 17:20 – 21, it was for all believers, everywhere, even us. And praise God, when He said that there is a “great high priest” that hears our prayers and understands our weaknesses and helps us in our times of need,(Hebrews 4:-16), it was for all believers, all through time.
God is faithful to His promises, He is loving to His children and His word is good forever!
Thanks be to God!