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What is harmony? We might think of musical harmony; voices or instruments blended so that the sound is pleasant to hear. We might also think of harmonious relationships where everyone is getting along; there is no fighting or discord. We want this kind of atmosphere in our homes, our workplaces, and in our relationships with others. Being in harmony makes life more pleasant and easier. It is good to work toward having harmony in our lives.
But most importantly we should be in harmony with God. We can do this by walking close to our Lord, by talking to Him everyday through prayer and studying His Word and by listening for His guidance and direction. A right relationship with God will bring wholeness or completeness to our lives. It will give us peace and will influence our health (physically, emotionally and mentally). But most of all it will give us salvation. Once we accept this salvation, it can never be taken away, we will have a promise of eternal life in heaven and forgiveness of our sins. Harmony with God brings peace, joy and fulfillment to our lives.
To receive this harmony you need only to ask for it. Confess your sins to Jesus and repent (Read Romans 10:9-10). Let Him enter your heart and the love and harmony you feel in your life will be so real that you will want to share the good news with others.