
*Bible study group will meet each Friday at 10:00..

*The food pantry is up and running. Please continue to pray for this outreach. Donations of nonperishable food or funds to purchase food are always welcome.

*Rev. Nickles has an online devotion every Wed. night at 7:00 p.m. You may view this live by going to the Facebook page for Phillip Nickles or it is posted each week on Facebook page.

*March items  to be donated for the Shoebox Ministry are bandaids toothbrushes, lip gloss, and individual packages of tissues.

*The CPWM is planning a BBQ stuffed potato fundraiser  with Butcher’s Chuckwagon on April 9 from 4-7 pm. Potatoes will be $12 each. Tickets are on sale now. Contact any CPWM member to make a purchase.