In His Praise

In His Praise — June 28, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” The good news from East Point C.P. Church today is a verse from Psalm 118:14. These Bible words say, “The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.” These words give us encouragement, hope and assurance. No matter how weak we feel we are, as Christians we know we can always depend on strength from the Lord. He stands ready and willing to help us when we call out to Him.  When we’re sad or afraid, He will put a song in our hearts and can cause the darkest circumstances to become brighter. Remember Paul and Silas in prison? They sang praises and an earthquake freed them! (Acts 16:25-31) And what gives us cause to sing? The salvation that the Lord alone…
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In His Praise — June 21, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” Today we celebrate fathers. There are all kinds of dads. Many are biological dads, some may be adopted or stepdads. Still others could be a friend or relative that is a role model or surrogate dad. Whatever kind of dad you are, we say Happy Father’s Day to you and thank you for all you do. May you know the Lord and feel His guidance as you love and nurture your children. This is our prayer for you:  Lord, thank you for fathers and their special place in the life of the family. Grant that the fathers of our church and nation learn and accept the unique role you have given them. Give them the spiritual discernment to lead their children to know God as…
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In His Praise — June 14, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” How important is it to read and study the Bible? Among other things, the Bible is God’s ordained word, it gives guidance for daily life, it tells us what we need to do to have eternal life and it tells the story of Christ. The Bible is full of promises from God to us. Isaiah 55:11 tells us that when God’s word is spoken it accomplishes things.  It is powerful, true and trustworthy. God’s word is one thing that will never change and can always be depended on.  So, how important is it to read and study the Bible? It is very important! Reading God’s word will draw us closer to our Lord. It will strengthen us for our daily lives and cause us to…
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In His Praise — June 7, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” The good news from East Point C.P. Church today is that we are alive and doing well. Covid-19 may have kept our doors closed for awhile, but praise be to God, in person church services began again 3 weeks ago and the Lord just keeps on blessing.  Things are not completely back to normal yet - we still try to practice social distancing, use hand sanitizer, and make masks available. There’s not much handshaking or hugging, but members are happy to be together. The choir is not in the choir loft, but the congregation sings with joy and thanksgiving. Rev. Nickles is bringing great messages from the Lord and attendance is increasing each Sunday.  We really don’t know how long these safety precautions will be…
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In His Praise — May 31, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” Congratulations to all the graduating seniors out there! Although this spring has held some unexpected turns for everyone, we know that life still goes on. The class of 2020 will certainly have graduations memories that no one else has experienced. But still you graduated, you have passed a milestone and now you can move on to the future.  A future that will  continue to be full of surprises and twists and turns. There will be ups and downs. There will be successes and failures, but life will go on. You may struggle from time to time, but the key to being happy and satisfied is putting Christ first in your life and letting Him guide you. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all…
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In His Praise — May 24, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” Isaiah 59:19b says. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (KJV) What encouragement these words can bring! Many times in life we feel “flooded” by the trials and hardships we are enduring. But knowing that we have a God that cares for us and will help us brings comfort and courage.   This is worded alittle differently in the New International Version of the Bible. Here it says that the enemy will come like a ‘pent-up flood”. That’s pretty strong! But the next phrase says that God’s breath drives it along or puts it to flight! Praise be to such an all-powerful God!  He never leaves us to fight battles on…
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In His Praise — May 17, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church resumed regular church services today. The joy of the Lord was evident as the church family visited with each other and worshipped together. It could be felt in every prayer that was prayed, in every song that was sung and in every word spoken for the Lord. People were happy to be back in church. Although social distancing was observed, hand sanitizer was used, and masks were worn, the East Point CP Church family greeted each other with smiles and genuine joy  to be worshipping together again. The love of God was felt among His people. As this pandemic comes to an end, and; as we all gradually get back to normal, East Point will continue to serve the Lord.…
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In His Praise — May 10, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised,” Proverbs 31:30. East Point CP Church sincerely wishes each of you a happy Mother’s Day. We are thankful for Christian mothers every where and for the influence they have had and are having on society today.   Proverbs 31 is probably one of the most read and familiar scriptures about women. It begins with quotes from a mother to her son, the king. Her words of wisdom are spoken out of love and from a desire for her offspring to live a Godly life.  Beginning in verse 10 to the end of the chapter we are given a look at what a woman of God should be like.…
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In His Praise — May 3, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This well known  and often quoted verse is found in Psalm 118:24.  Many times these words are spoken to celebrate a new day or a special occasion, but in the book of Psalms it was spoken to acknowledge and celebrate that God would provide a way of salvation through Jesus Christ. The unknown writer of Psalm 118  was actually speaking of future events and gives God the glory for His plan of salvation for us (Ps. 118:18-24).  Yes, we celebrate each new day as a gift from God, but we can also repeat this verse in praise of a God that loved us so much that he sent Jesus…
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In His Praise — April 26, 2020

Welcome to “In His Praise” Music is a big part of our lives, it is virtually in everything we do. Music is used in tv programs and movies to enhance the drama or excitement of a scene. Music is used to celebrate and commemorate special occasions like birthdays or weddings. Music can bring back memories or create new ones. Parents can soothe a restless child to sleep by humming or singing softly to them.  Most importantly we use music to  worship and praise of our Father.   In the Bible, the book of Psalms is full of songs, not only of praise and worship but also of confession and repentance. Some songs in the Bible tell a story as they praise God, like Moses and Miriam’s songs recorded in Exodus…
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