In His Praise

“He is not here; he has risen…

Then go quickly and tell his disciples…”

Matthew 28:6-7

Some women came to Jesus’ tomb early on the first Easter morning. Emotions were probably running high as they approached the place where Jesus was laid. But Jesus was not there! The confusion they felt must have added to their sadness, but then, an angel spoke reassuring words to them — “He is not here, He is risen” — Jesus was alive! Joy and praise replaced grief and confusion.

But the women were not to keep this good news to themselves. The angel said “go and tell His disciples”.  Later, Jesus gave a great commission to these same disciples  when He told them to go and tell the whole world about Him. (Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-16)  Those of us who have received salvation and know the great news about Jesus, also have a commission to share His love with others.

As we celebrate this Resurrection Day, let us never forget to continue to tell the world what Jesus did for all people when He died for sin and then rose triumphantly over death. Jesus is alive and His salvation is available to all that will accept it.

Thank you, Lord for that empty tomb and for the glorious message we have to share with others.