“I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak…
I will shepherd the flock with justice.”
Ezekiel 34:16
These words of God found in Ezekiel show both God’s love and comfort for His people. God describes Himself as a shepherd for His flock — one that cares and protects His sheep.
There are 3 points that stand out.
First, God says He will search for those that are lost or have gone astray. We have all failed God and maybe even drifted away at one time or another. We may have drifted so far away that it seems we have forgotten God, but He never forgets us! What a great comfort to know that God will never stop looking for us and when He finds us He is willing to bring us back to safety with Him.
Secondly, He will “bind up the injured and strengthen the weak”. In other words He will soothe all the hurts, bumps and bruises that the world has inflicted upon us. We will grow stronger and be nurtured into a faithful relationship with Him.
Thirdly, when we are with God, His perfect justice will prevail. We will be protected and loved and kept from harm. In the end, God will right all the wrong, conquer all evil and His righteousness will stand for eternity.
What blessings await those of us in His flock!