In His Praise — September 22, 2024

“I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,”

Psalm 139:14

Our great God has uniquely created each person. Before we were even born he gave each of us a personality, talents, interests, strengths and desires. Verse 13 of Psalm 139 supports this when it says “For you created my inmost being”. God made each person special in His sight when He created us — body, soul and mind.

That same chapter goes on to say, in verse 16, that all of our days were known to God before we even came to be on this earth. How great is that?! God has known all our lives what we were going to experience and He lovingly prepared us for it when He “knitted us together” and gave us our personalities, talents, interests, strengths and desires.

Life may get difficult sometimes, we may have moments of doubt or weakness, but God has already given us what we need to live triumphantly. As we draw near to Him, God will draw near to us and those attributes that were so lovingly placed in our minds and bodies will come alive! We will have strength we never knew we had, we will have determination to carry on, we will find joy and peace and, directed by the Holy Spirit, we will be able to speak and act in ways we never thought possible.

Truly God is to be praised! He has perfectly created each person and He has endowed us with everything we need to live a wonderful life with Him. 

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