In His Praise — August 18, 2024

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

1 Chronicles 16:34

We are accustomed to things that wear out. Our clothes get old, our shoes wear out, machines break down because of worn out parts. Food  and medicines have expiration dates. Almost everything is designed to be used only a short while before needing to be replaced or discarded. Nothing is made to last forever. 

But, with God it is different. His love for us will last forever. We do not have to be concerned that it will become weak and slow,  or that it will end or need to be replaced, it will never change! God’s love is new every morning. (Lamentations 3:23-24) Because of God’s goodness, we can depend on His love and trust in Him.

1 Chronicles  16:34 is a wonderful reminder that we have a reason everyday for which to praise and thank our good God. 

Give Him thanks; His love lasts forever!

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