In His Praise — July 14, 2024

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but come to repentance.”

2 Peter 3:9

 Human life on earth will not last forever, all people will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. Peter wrote about this in today’s verse. He is referring to the return of Jesus. Many evidently thought Jesus’ return was taking too long and some had begun to question it. Peter reminds them that God’s timetable is not the same as ours. God does not count minutes, hours or even years like we do. His ways are high above ours (paraphrased Isaiah 55:9)

But Peter does give a reason for Jesus’ delay in returning to earth. It is because God is being patient with His creations. He doesn’t want anybody to perish (spend eternity in hell). God’s desire is that everyone will repent and accept salvation and spend eternity with Him in heaven! 

It is difficult to understand a love such as this. God gives us chance after chance to turn from our sins and be saved.  He has made salvation simple and easy,  so that anybody can understand it. All that is required is to “confess that Jesus is Lord and to believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead,  and you will be saved”. (Romans 10:9) 

Simple and easy and God is waiting patiently for each person to make the choice to spend eternity with Him. Sadly some will die on earth before they make a decision to follow God, others will continue to delay their decision and Jesus’ return will come to them unexpectedly and there will be no more chances. Please do not be found in one of these groups. Repent and accept salvation today. It will be the best decision you ever make.

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