In His Praise — June 16, 2024

“He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.” 

Proverbs 14:26

What a great verse this is for Father’s Day! All loving fathers want their children to be safe and feel secure. They want to protect them from harm, help them to be successful and give them a good foundation on which to stand.

 Proverbs reminds fathers (and mothers) that we first must have our own secure relationship with God. We can have this when we give our hearts to the Lord, accept salvation and let God be in control. He is our Heavenly Father and He also desires that His children are safe, secure and have a firm foundation. 

When parents set an example of Christian living in front of their children, the love of God naturally overflows. Children that grow up in such an environment will learn to love and trust the Lord and will have that firm foundation on which to build their lives.

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