In His Praise — June 18, 2023

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”

Matthew 6:9b

Happy Father’s Day to all we look to as Dad. Being a father is an awesome responsibility and requires love, patience, diligence and sometimes sternness. Those men that fill the roles of dad, stepdad, grandfather, or guiding friend are not alone though. They can look to our Heavenly Father for a perfect example to follow. 

Being a Dad is not always easy and we should lift these men up in our prayers daily. There are also young men that have not come to be fathers yet, but still can begin to set a Godly example to others. They need our prayers too.

It is said,”the hand that rocks the cradle shapes the nation.” This is true for both parents. Mothers and fathers are equally important in children’s lives and their influence is immeasurable.

Today, let us join together in praying for all men that help shape the lives of children.

Father’s Day Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the good men in our lives. We are thankful for their faith in you and their determination to set a godly example before their families.

Please strengthen and undergird them as they endeavor to do right . Help them to continue on the righteous path with you and always feel your love surrounding them.

Father, we also lift up to you those young men that have not become fathers yet. We pray that they will live close to you, and they too will feel your loving hand upon them. Help them as they make choices, that their lives will be a shining light for you.

Last of all, Father, please help the men in this world that do not know you, to accept your salvation. Help those that have lost their way to return to you and those that feel overwhelmed with life to know your calmness and peace. Merciful Lord, place people in their lives that can share your love and let the Holy Spirit  open their hearts and minds to Your goodness.

We thank you Kind Father, and we ask it all in Jesus name.


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