“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,”
Psalm 40:2-3
This is May 1, the beginning of a new month and it is Sunday, the beginning of a new week. Each day that we wake up we begin a new day.
Our God is the master of new beginnings. He gave Saul (later Paul) a new beginning on the road to Damascus. He called Moses to a new beginning at the burning bush. He gave the blind man a new beginning when He restored his sight and the woman at the well a new beginning when He asked for a drink.
Jesus/God lifted each one from the life they were living and placed them on a solid foundation. As they each responded to the loving interaction of the Lord, He gave them new directions, new attitudes, and new desires — a new life to serve Him!
God is still in the business of giving new beginnings. He still lifts from the pit and slime of sin and places feet on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. With God’s help addictions can be broken; with God’s help the scars of abuse or bad choices can be healed; with God’s help sin-filled lifestyles can be changed to joyous living!
What a wonderful Savior! He loves us so much that He is willing to reach down into our dirt and lift us up and make us clean and holy to serve Him.
Thank you, Father!