Welcome to “In His Praise!”
Today was a very special day at East Point Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We celebrated the 100th birthday of our church! There were hugs and laughs as old acquaintances were renewed, stories were shared from the past and new friendships were forged. We thank God for all those that faithfully served in bygone years. Their dedication and desire to follow the Lord gave us a strong foundation.
We are thankful too, that 100 years is not the end of the story. The congregation of East Point looks forward to the future. We know that there is more work to do. We must continue to serve God by serving our fellowman. We must continue to spread the message that God is good and salvation is for all that will accept it. We must continue to share His love and be a light in our community and the world.
Yes, we are thankful for the last 100 years, but we are also for grateful the future. It is humbling and honoring to know that God has a plan for East Point C.P. Church and that His people are a part of that divine plan.
Thanks be to God for the future He has for each of us.
“God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3