Welcome to “In His Praise”
“Everyone that calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,” Romans 10:13.
Isn’t this good news? Isn’t this great and exciting news? Isn’t this THE BEST news?!!
It is such a blessing to know that God loves us and sent His precious Son, Jesus, to die for our sins and provide salvation. It is wonderful to know that all we have to do is “believe with our hearts and confess with our mouth that Jesus died for our sins and was raised again to life.” (Romans 10:9)
This blessing is not for a select few that meet certain criteria, but, thanks be to God, it is for everyone and anyone that “calls on the name of the Lord”. God loves us all, no matter what our past looks like or what our future may hold. God loves each person and wants to give His salvation to all.
What a good news message to share with the world!