Welcome to “In His Praise”
Music is a big part of our lives, it is virtually in everything we do. Music is used in tv programs and movies to enhance the drama or excitement of a scene. Music is used to celebrate and commemorate special occasions like birthdays or weddings. Music can bring back memories or create new ones. Parents can soothe a restless child to sleep by humming or singing softly to them. Most importantly we use music to worship and praise of our Father.
In the Bible, the book of Psalms is full of songs, not only of praise and worship but also of confession and repentance. Some songs in the Bible tell a story as they praise God, like Moses and Miriam’s songs recorded in Exodus 15. We can also read in the book of Revelation that there is music and singing in heaven. It is recorded in Luke 15:10 that the angels rejoice when just one sinner repents.
Music is a gift that God has given to us, and that we can give back to Him. It is everywhere and impacts every part of our lives. It is such a precious gift that in Zephaniah 3:17 we find a promise that God will delight in us and “he will rejoice over you with singing”. What joy these words bring to our hearts and what a blessing to be able to share this great news with others.